
  • Sharding: Web3Infinity employs sharding techniques to partition the blockchain into smaller, manageable pieces called shards. Each shard can process transactions independently, significantly increasing the network's overall transaction throughput.

    • Mathematical Model of Sharding: If TTT is the total transaction throughput and SSS is the number of shards, the throughput per shard TsT_sTs​ can be approximated as: Ts=TST_s = \frac{T}{S}Ts​=ST​

    • The overall network throughput TnT_nTn​ then scales as: Tn=Ts×S=TT_n = T_s \times S = TTn​=Ts​×S=T

  • Layer 2 Solutions: Integration of Layer 2 solutions such as state channels and rollups to handle off-chain transactions, reducing the load on the main blockchain and ensuring faster transaction times.

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